We TRANSFORM your CONCEPTS into market-ready PRODUCTS, helping you along the road to SUCCESS and PROFITABILITY.


"We've had countless meetings to resolve design and documentation issues for the other three boards in the system, but have not had a single one for the board [Bolton] designed. Thanks for the great work." - Purchasing Agent, Medical Equipment Manufacturer

Bolton Engineering, Inc. is an award-winning electronic and software development firm in Lawrence, MA, specializing in the design of multi-technology electronic products.

Production Test System for Zeo Personal Sleep Coach

Production Test System for Zeo Personal Sleep Coach

Zeo (formerly Axon Labs) produces a unique sleep aid that monitors brain waves to help users get a better night's sleep. They had started work on creating a flexible production test system and had written a test specification, but did not have the available design resources to complete the work. Read more...

Production Test System for Zeo Personal Sleep Coach Quadrature Encoder RedXDefense iModule Touch Panel and Display Interface PHANTOM® Omni™ Force Feedback Joystick Canoe Controller for the Handicapped Personal Relaxation Device Daedalus Human-Powered Aircraft Lottery Ticket Vending Machines Faxview: A Pocket-Sized Fax Machine Bi-Pedal Research Robot Board Tester Wastewater Sludge Detector
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